Oak (Reception): Blog items
Oak Class 7.2.25, by Mrs Williams
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 8:18am
This week we finished our Tiger who came to tea learning with a tea party!! A very special guest came to visit the class.
We had fun expressing ourselves through dance and song!! Celebrating being ourselves and what is good about being us!
In Maths we have been subitising to 5!
We moved on to The Three Little Pigs story too. We think the wolf is very cheeky!
Next week we are starting our castle topc!
Oak Class 31st January, by Mrs Williams
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 7:57am
This week a Tiger came to Tea! We had lots of fun role playing the story and writing about where the Tiger goes next on his adventure.
In Maths we have been identifying different parts of the whole number 5. We discovered that 2+3 makes 5, 4+1 makes 5 and 0+5 makes 5 too!
Drawing skills - We have been developing our drawing skills by watching short video's on how to draw different things.
Next week is our express yourself week! Don't forget to break the rules on Wednesday!
Reception Porridge Party!!, by Mrs Williams
Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 4:56pm
This week the Reception Children in Oak and Chestnut had a Porridge Party! We read the story Who has been eating my porridge? Goldilocks has a porridge party and invites all of the different traditional tales characters to the party.
We had lots of fun stirring the porridge, cooking and eating it, as well as playing party dances and games.
In Maths this week we focused on Zero the Hero!! We identified zero amounts, counted backwards to zero and wrote zero! We went on a zero hunt around school too!!
Next week our story is based on a tea party gone wrong!! A strippy orange and black animal comes to the tea party and eats all of the food! Can you guess which book it is?
Oak Class 17.1.25, by Mrs Williams
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 8:15pm
Who has been eating my porridge???
This week we loved reading Goldilocks and the three bears and learning the song 'When Goldicloks went to the house of the Bears'.
We loved reading the Numberlys in Maths this week and have been focusing on numbers to 5. We have practised reading them, writing them and subitising them. We are getting super at subitising!
We loved learning about special stories in RE too.
Next week we will be looking at other traditional tale characters in 'Who has been eating my porridge?' and focusing on numbers to 5 in Maths to deepen our understanding.
Oak Week 1, by Mrs Williams
Date: 8th Jan 2025 @ 4:50pm
What a fantastic week back in class!
This week we have reach the story The River and learnt all about how our feelings can be like a river- wild, free, calm still... We learned that we always change an grow and our feelings will too.
For Maths this week we have been learning about ABABAB patterns. We are fantastic at copying and making them!!
In Science we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We matched the animals to their habitats and found out how animals dapt to where they live. We really liked the polar bears who live in the Tundra. Mrs Williams showed the children a photograph of her in the Tundra too. We also learned about how some things are living or non-living and sorted some things from inside our classroom. Did you know plants are living because they breathe, need water, nutrients and can reproduce by spreading seeds??
Next week we will be learning about a little girl who sneaked in to someone's house and ate all of the porridge- Can you guess our story? It is also Maths story week. We will be learning about the Numberlys.