Seedlings (Nursery): Blog items
Seedlings Week 6, by Miss Prendergast
Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 10:16am
This week we have been busy receieving messages from the wolf and The Gingerbread man. He gave us a task of making some more friends for him. WE came up with a list of ingredients and baked some friends. On thursday and Friday we were just liked fox and gobbled them up. They were delicious!
In maths we have been matching and ordering numbers up to 5. We made houses for The Gingerbread man, counting blocks and thinking about the structure. Could the Gingerbread man hide in here from the fox?
We have also been checking on our bean. Only 3 beans have grown - Mikolaj, Logan and Athena;s. We discussed why the others may have not and hope they might grow at home. We look forward to seeing some pictures over half term.
Seedlings Week 5, by Miss Prendergast
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 8:00pm
What a busy but exciting week in Seedlings. We have learnt the word unique and spoke about what makes us special. We made faces looking at the feelings of happy and sad and can now find our name and show our tecaher and friends how we feel.
This week we have started a new story of The Gingerbread Man. we have sequenced the story, retold it and even had a visit from a giant Gingerbread but.......... something happened on Friday! The Wolf has taken him! Next week we are going to write some letters to bring him back to Nursery.
In maths we have been matching Gingerbread men to the baking trays, counting buttons on The Ginger bread man and cointing counters on a five and ten frame.
Next week, we are going to bake some Gingerbread men and look at ingredients we need. We are also going to make the Gingerbread men a house too in the block area .
Seedlings Week 4, by Miss Prendergast
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 4:36pm
This week we changed the character the giant our og Jack and the Beanstalk. We had a pirate, a dog, a cat, a pig and even a polar bear. The children enjoyed this traditonal tale and espectially retlling it. ON Friday we cenrated chinese New year. We had chinese food, dragon dances and musical instruments. We watched real chinese dragon and lion dancing. In maths we continued to look at Freddie 4 and how we can make 4. We also looked at whether it was 4 or not 4 using different objects and pictures.
Next week we have a new story..... Can you guess what it is? Run Run as fast as you can.....
Seedlings week 2, by Miss Prendergast
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 7:01am
This week in Seedlings we have read the story One to ten and back again alongside our key text The three Little Pigs.
We have counted to 10 like a soldier, like a monster and even like a cowboy!
Some of us played eye spy and spotted things from the story of The Three Little Pigs. We had to use our counting skills up to 10 to see how many objects they could spot.
During play, we have been counting out how many cars we have played with and how many blocks we have used for our models.
We decided what we would like to make our houses out of - using straw, sticks and bricks! We added windows and doors to make it look like a house/. Take a look at the pictures of us making them and the finished product!
Seedlings - Nursery, by Miss Prendergast
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 8:44pm
This week in Seedlings class we have welcomed nine new members to #teamcarrmill. The children have been busy learning new routines and making new friends in class.
As part of our English, we have been learning about The Three Little Pigs. The children have looked at different materials of straws, stick and brick houses and retold the story using their best 'wolfy voice'! Next week we will be junk modelling making the houses from the story. If you have any spare cereal or shoe boxes, please bring them in for next Wednesday.
In maths we have been counting to 10 and revsiting number 3. This has tied in with our story of the Three Little pigs. Have a look below at some of our new starters and our learning of The Three Little Pigs.
Next week is maths week. Check out our competion over on seesaw.