Sycamore (Year 3 & Year 4): Blog items
Sycamore - Week 6, by Mrs Williams
Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 3:41pm
Happy end of half term to everyone!
This week we celebrated safer internet day. We learnt all about how to spot a scam. Using a checklist, we looked at different scenarios and thought about whether they were a scam or not.
This week, we have been learning different shading techniques that we have used on our final Iron Man drawings. Also, our VIP was for art this week so take a look at our Facebook page to see who has been a wonderful artist in Sycamore class - it was a tough choice this week!
We got the opportunity to write our own legends based on the book The Water Horse. We have created our own creatures and described what it would be like to find them washed ashore on a beach.
We have been learning all about division this week, using short division and finding remainders. We did find some parts of this tricky but with lots of practice, we are finally understanding the methods that we can use.
Have a look at the photos below from our week!
I hope everyone has a lovely half term break! See you after the holidays for PSHE week, more work on The Water Horse book and we're starting our new maths topic of fractions. We also have some library visits the first week back for World Book Day.
Sycamore - Week 5, by Mrs Williams
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 3:28pm
Sycamore Week 5
Class Assembly
Well what a fun week we've had practicing our class assembly. The children were fantastic in their performance this morning and all gave 100% effort. It was lovely to see so many of you come to watch! We hope you learnt alot about electricity, rocks and soils and plants.
Children's Mental Health Week
This week we have followed the theme: Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. In our lessons, we have learnt how to grow ourselves in different ways thinking about the future and our aspirations. As part of the week, we have done some work on 'love yourself' where we thought about our achievements and what we do well.
This week we have continued to learn about the UK. We have looked at topography maps to see the physical features in the 4 countries. We have also looked at the highest peaks in the UK finding out the tallest mountains in Scotland, Wales and England.
Next week
We are having an art week in Sycamore next week. We are looking at the work of Tom Gauld and his illustations in the Iron Man book which we have read and written about.
We will also be writing our own legend based on the story The Water Horse, which we have been reading too.
In maths, we will be completing our work on multiplication and division ready to start a new topic when we come back from the February half term.
Have a look at the photos below of our week!
Sycamore - Week 4, by Mrs Williams
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 9:28am
Happy Week 4 Sycamore!
This week we have continued our work on the UK. We have been looking at the regions of the UK and how it is divided into counties. We had a chance to research different landmarks around the UK too finding out about places such as The Angel of the North, The Kelpies and Blackpool Tower.
We enjoyed our computing this week as we had the chance to design a poster all about the UK. We thought about how our poster would be effective by including images and short captions. We also looked at the colour palette to see which colours worked well together. Have a look on seesaw to see our work - these aren't finished just yet!
Next week
Our class assembly is on Thursday at 9am all about the science that we have learnt this year. We are very much looking forward to performing in front of you all :)
We will be continuing our work on the UK in geography. Next week is also National Children's Mental Health Week where we have somthing new to celebrate each day.
Have a look on our Facebook page to see the upcoming events.
Sycamore - Week 3, by Mrs Williams
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:13pm
What a week in Sycamore class! π₯³ππ
This week we started by celebrating our fantastic attendance from last week with a kid's choice session. We could choose from colouring, drawing, sitting with our friends, completing some puzzles and watching a film. What a great Monday afternoon it was! π₯
Science πΊπ»πͺ»πΈ
This week we completed our science topic of plants by seeing how our seeds had grown in different conditions. We found that even though we tried to test one without air, this was the one that grew the best. We think that this is because we created a bit of a greenhouse for the plant to thrive in.
English βοΈβοΈπ
We have been carrying on with our work on the Iron Man this week. We acted in role as the characters from the story and imagined what they would do and say. This helped us to write our final paragraph of our story opener where our character saw the Iron Man for the first time.
Geography ππΊοΈ
We started our new topic all about the UK. We have been looking at maps to see the position of the UK in the world and have also learnt about how the UK is divided into regions. We were very good at naming the 4 countries of the UK and their capital citites.
Next week π
Next week is assessment week for us so we will be showing off everything that we have learnt this year so far. We will also be continuing our work on the UK in geography. In English, we will also start our new book - The Water Horse in reading and writing. Over the next few weeks, we will be writing our own legends, based on this book.
Take a look at the photos from our week below! πΈ
Sycamore - week 2, by Mrs Williams
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 1:20pm
Sycamore's Week 2
This week we have thoroughly enjoyed our maths week. We have read the story 365 penguins (which is quite funny!) and completed some work and challenges on calanders in teams. We also have looked at arrays and how we could organise different numbers of penguins. We also had a TTRockstars battle in our classroom so that we could see who the top two players for Sycamore were. These two represented our class really well during the KS2 battle.
In science this week, we have carried out lots of experiments. We have been loving our new topic of plants and learning about pollination and their life cycles. We have been growing cress in different conditions and next week we will be writing up our findings of our experiment. We had some volunteers be part of the pollination process and we acted out each part. This helped us to remember what pollination is and what happens at each stage.
*Check out some photos of our week in science below*
We have carried on with our work on the Iron Man this week in reading and writing. We have been thinking about our character, The Iron Man, and how he fell from the cliff top edge. We had a go at a shared write of him standing and then falling from the cliff edge.
Here is our shared write that we did together:
As he stood on the cliff top, his ears turned. Many sounds echoed around him, the squarking of the seagulls, the crashing of the waves and the whistling of the wind. Then, his head turned from left to right. In the gusty, cold wind, the Iron Man swayed violently. He stepped off the rocky, jagged cliff edge. Down the cliff, the Iron Man tumbled, toppled and plummeted. Boom! Clang! Clink! In the blink of an eye, he crashed onto the sharp rocks below. Like an explosion, his body parts scattered across the entirety of the beach.
We have then written our own version for our star writes.
Next week we have lots of new topics starting:
- In maths, we're doing multiplication and division
- In Geography we'll be making discoveries about the UK
- In French, we have been learning our numbers from 1-50 so we will be coninuing to practise these
Sycamore - week 1, by Mrs Williams
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 11:36am
This week we have been walking in a winter wonderland!
Below are some images of the snowy school from our classroom windows!
We have made a great start to week 1 of our spring term.
In writing and reading we have been looking at the book, The Iron Man. We have enjoyed exploring the start of the story and thinking about how we could use this to start our own stories. We will be doing this over the next three weeks and by the end of those three weeks, we will have our own story openers! We are becoming fabulous authors in Sycamore class. πβοΈπ
In science, we have started our new topic of plants, even though it isn't the best weather to be growing plants yet! πͺ»πΈπΊπ» We have set up our own experiments to see the conditions in which plants grow- we will be keeping our eye on these over the next few weeks to see what happens to the seeds.
Maths has been great this week as we have been learning about area and perimeter. Below are some images of us having a go at creating shapes with different areas.
Have a look at some of the images of our work/week below.
Next week is going to be just as fun! π₯³
We will be continuing our plants topic looking at pollination and seed dispersal. It's our maths week next week where we will be having a TTRockstars battle and learning about maths through stories.